"Let's talk about your work, career or school concerns! Friendly and affordable help for all."
If you like your work, you will probably also be good at it. If you’re good at it, you’ll probably be promoted, feel appreciated, be happier and healthier. Wherever possible, make the effort to get into work you like!!
Due to use of the internet, more people are applying for each job opportunity. It’s more important than ever to be sure your resume is stronger than the competition.
Who is on the receiving end of your application for a job? It’s almost always a very junior person who is given the overwhelming job of reviewing the hundreds of poor resumes that are received by email and selecting the handful that will be forwarded on to a more senior person. Don’t be one of those hundreds that are screened out because you didn’t take the time to show in your resume that you meet all of the qualifications asked for in the job ad.
There are no rules or laws about cover letters and resumes. So the person reviewing your application may only read one of them. Be sure both resume and letter are as strong as you can make them.
There can be many stressful aspects related to the world of work! To relieve stress, try to get enough sleep, eat properly, and exercise regularly. If you are under severe stress, consult a professional who can help you. If changing your work is the appropriate solution, take action as soon as possible.
Yes, everyone says that ‘networking’ is very important – and they’re right! It’s simply a matter of letting others know that you’re looking for a certain type of work and, if possible, meeting someone known by your family or friends who may be able to open a door for you into that work.